Pterolophia (Ale) of Solomon
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
P. (A.) albicans of Solomon
P. (A.) apicefasciata of Solomon
P. (A.) basiflavipennis of Solomon
P. (A.) biplagiaticollis of Solomon
P. (A.) duplicata of Solomon
P. (A.) fuscoplagiata of Solomon
P. (A.) marmorea of Solomon
P. (A.) nigrotransversefasciata of Solomon
P. (A.) peraffinis of Solomon
P. (A.) pseudobasalis of Solomon
P. (A.) pulchra of Solomon
P. (A.) salomonum of Solomon
P. (A.) shortlandensis of Solomon
P. (A.) tricolor of Solomon
P. (A.) tricoloripennis of Solomon
P. (A.) tugelensis of Solomon