Acalolepta (Acalolepta) of Paleotropical region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
plate • A. (A.) of Indoceylonese reg.
plate • A. (A.) of Indochinese reg.
plate • A. (A.) of Indomalayan reg.
plate • A. (A.) of Philippines reg.
A. (A.) admixta of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) affinis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) albosparsuta of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) andamanensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) andamanica of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) annamensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) apoensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) atra of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) basicornis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) basigranulata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) basimaculata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) basiplagiata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) bicolor of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) bifasciata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) biocellata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) birmana of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) borneensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) brunnea of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) bryanti of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) cervina of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) crassepunctifrons of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) defectrix of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) densepunctata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) dentifera of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) dentiferoides of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) discopunctata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) dispar of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) elongata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) flavithorax of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) fruhstorferi of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) fulvoscutellata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) fuscomarmorata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) fuscopunctata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) gardneri of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) grisea of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) griseipennis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) griseomicans of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) griseoplagiata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) grisescens of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) holonigra of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) impuncticollis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) inaequalis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) indica of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) javanica of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) laeviceps of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) laevicollis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) laevifrons of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) lineata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) longiscapus of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) luzonica of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) malaccensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) malaisei of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) marmorata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) mausoni of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) microspinicollis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) minima of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) misella of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) montana of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) nativitatis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) niasana of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) niasensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) niasica of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) opposita of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) palawana of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) paracervina of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) permutans of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) persimilis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) pici of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) pleuralis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) pontianakensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) postmaculata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) proxima of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) pseudodentifera of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) pseudosericans of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) punctifrons of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) pusio of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) riouensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) romblonica of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) samarensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) scotti of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sericans of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sericeipennis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sericeomicans of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sikkimensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) siporensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sobria of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) speciosa of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) stictica of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) subaequalis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) subaurata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) subbasicornis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) subbicolor of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sublusca of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) subpustulata of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) subsulphurifer of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) subunicolor of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sulphurifera of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sumatrana of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) sumatrensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) tarsalis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) tenasserimensis of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) tenuipes of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) tysoni of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) viridimicans of Paleotropical reg.
A. (A.) vitalisi of Paleotropical reg.