Acalolepta (Acalolepta) of Solomon
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
A. (A.) of Bougainville
A. (A.) of Choiseul
A. (A.) of Guadalcanal
A. (A.) of Isabel Is.
A. (A.) of Makira
A. (A.) of Malaita Is.
A. (A.) of New Georgia Is.
A. (A.) of Nggela Is.
A. (A.) of Rennell Is.
A. (A.) of Treasure Is.
A. (A.) bisericans of Solomon
A. (A.) blairi of Solomon
A. (A.) corpulenta of Solomon
A. (A.) griseofumata of Solomon
A. (A.) holotephra of Solomon
A. (A.) marshalli of Solomon
A. (A.) marshalliana of Solomon
A. (A.) noctis of Solomon
A. (A.) sericeiceps of Solomon
A. (A.) strandiella of Solomon
A. (A.) sulcicollis of Solomon
A. (A.) woodlarkiana of Solomon