Psacothea hilaris of Palaearctic region
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P. h. botelensis of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. hilaris of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. insularis of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. intermedia of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. ishigakiana of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. macronotata of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. maculata of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. miyakejimana of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. miyakoana of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. szetschuanica of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. teneburosa of Palaearctic reg.
P. h. yonaguniana of Palaearctic reg.