Lamiini of Paleotropical region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
L. of Afrotropical reg.
L. of Madagascan reg.
L. of Indoceylonese reg.
L. of Indochinese reg.
L. of Indomalayan reg.
L. of Philippines reg.
Acalolepta of Paleotropical reg.
Achthophora of Paleotropical reg.
Acridocephala of Paleotropical reg.
Aethalodes of Paleotropical reg.
Agnia of Paleotropical reg.
Agniohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Agnioides of Paleotropical reg.
Agniolamia of Paleotropical reg.
Agniomorpha of Paleotropical reg.
Agniopsis of Paleotropical reg.
Agnoderus of Paleotropical reg.
Amechana of Paleotropical reg.
Anamera of Paleotropical reg.
Anameromorpha of Paleotropical reg.
Anhammus of Paleotropical reg.
Annamanum of Paleotropical reg.
Anoplophora of Paleotropical reg.
Anoplophoroides of Paleotropical reg.
Aprionella of Paleotropical reg.
Archidice of Paleotropical reg.
Arctolamia of Paleotropical reg.
Aristobia of Paleotropical reg.
Batomena of Paleotropical reg.
Bixadoides of Paleotropical reg.
Bixadus of Paleotropical reg.
Blepephaeopsis of Paleotropical reg.
Blepephaeus of Paleotropical reg.
Brachyhammus of Paleotropical reg.
Brimidius of Paleotropical reg.
Brimopsis of Paleotropical reg.
Brimus of Paleotropical reg.
Cereopsius of Paleotropical reg.
Cerosterna of Paleotropical reg.
Cesonium of Paleotropical reg.
Cinctohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Combe of Paleotropical reg.
Cordoxylamia of Paleotropical reg.
Cratotragus of Paleotropical reg.
Cremnosterna of Paleotropical reg.
Cribragapanthia of Paleotropical reg.
Cribrihammus of Paleotropical reg.
Cribrochamus of Paleotropical reg.
Crucihammus of Paleotropical reg.
Cyanagapanthia of Paleotropical reg.
Cyriotasiastes of Paleotropical reg.
Decellia of Paleotropical reg.
Docohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Docolamia of Paleotropical reg.
Dohertyorsidis of Paleotropical reg.
Dolichoprosopus of Paleotropical reg.
Domitia of Paleotropical reg.
Echinovelleda of Paleotropical reg.
Epepeotes of Paleotropical reg.
Epicasta of Paleotropical reg.
Epicedia of Paleotropical reg.
Epuraecha of Paleotropical reg.
Eryalus of Paleotropical reg.
Eudihammus of Paleotropical reg.
Eupromus of Paleotropical reg.
Eusyntheta of Paleotropical reg.
Eutaenia of Paleotropical reg.
Euthyastus of Paleotropical reg.
Falsagnia of Paleotropical reg.
Falsocylindrepomus of Paleotropical reg.
Falsodihammus of Paleotropical reg.
Falsomecynippus of Paleotropical reg.
Falsomelanauster of Paleotropical reg.
Falsorsidis of Paleotropical reg.
Falsozeargyra of Paleotropical reg.
Gerania of Paleotropical reg.
Gnoma of Paleotropical reg.
Granolamia of Paleotropical reg.
Granulhepomidion of Paleotropical reg.
Granulorsidis of Paleotropical reg.
Guttulamia of Paleotropical reg.
Haplothrix of Paleotropical reg.
Hechinoschema of Paleotropical reg.
Hepomidion of Paleotropical reg.
Hotarionomus of Paleotropical reg.
Imantocera of Paleotropical reg.
Insulochamus of Paleotropical reg.
Ippitoides of Paleotropical reg.
Jeanvoinea of Paleotropical reg.
Laelida of Paleotropical reg.
Leprodera of Paleotropical reg.
Lesbra of Paleotropical reg.
Macrochenus of Paleotropical reg.
Macrohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Macrospina of Paleotropical reg.
Marmaroglypha of Paleotropical reg.
Megalobrimus of Paleotropical reg.
Meges of Paleotropical reg.
Melanopolia of Paleotropical reg.
Metaperiaptodes of Paleotropical reg.
Metopides of Paleotropical reg.
Metoxylamia of Paleotropical reg.
Mimocoelosterna of Paleotropical reg.
Mimocornuscoparia of Paleotropical reg.
Mimohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Mimonephelotus of Paleotropical reg.
Mimopsacothea of Paleotropical reg.
Mimorsidis of Paleotropical reg.
Mimothestus of Paleotropical reg.
Mimotriammatus of Paleotropical reg.
Mimotrysimia of Paleotropical reg.
Mimoxylamia of Paleotropical reg.
Monochamus of Paleotropical reg.
Morimus of Paleotropical reg.
Myagrus of Paleotropical reg.
Nanohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Nemophas of Paleotropical reg.
Neophrissoma of Paleotropical reg.
Neotrachystola of Paleotropical reg.
Neoxenicotela of Paleotropical reg.
Nephelotus of Paleotropical reg.
Nigrolamia of Paleotropical reg.
Oculohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Odontolamia of Paleotropical reg.
Ohbayashianus of Paleotropical reg.
Omocyrius of Paleotropical reg.
Oriaethus of Paleotropical reg.
Orsidis of Paleotropical reg.
Oxyhammus of Paleotropical reg.
Oxylamia of Paleotropical reg.
Parabixadus of Paleotropical reg.
Parabrimidius of Paleotropical reg.
Parabrimus of Paleotropical reg.
Paracyriothasastes of Paleotropical reg.
Paradiallus of Paleotropical reg.
Paradihammus of Paleotropical reg.
Paraepepeotes of Paleotropical reg.
Paragnia of Paleotropical reg.
Parahepomidion of Paleotropical reg.
Paraleprodera of Paleotropical reg.
Paramelanauster of Paleotropical reg.
Paramena of Paleotropical reg.
Parametopides of Paleotropical reg.
Paranamera of Paleotropical reg.
Parathyastus of Paleotropical reg.
Paravelleda of Paleotropical reg.
Parepicedia of Paleotropical reg.
Pareutaenia of Paleotropical reg.
Parhaplothrix of Paleotropical reg.
Paroriaethus of Paleotropical reg.
Paruraecha of Paleotropical reg.
Pelargoderus of Paleotropical reg.
Peribasis of Paleotropical reg.
Pericycos of Paleotropical reg.
Perimonochamus of Paleotropical reg.
Pharsalia of Paleotropical reg.
Phrissoma of Paleotropical reg.
Phrissomidius of Paleotropical reg.
Phrissomorimus of Paleotropical reg.
Phrynetolamia of Paleotropical reg.
Polytretus of Paleotropical reg.
Prodomitia of Paleotropical reg.
Psacothea of Paleotropical reg.
Psectrocera of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudangulatus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudanhammus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudaristobia of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudhammus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudobixadus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudobrimus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudocoelosterna of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudocyriocrates of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudodihammus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudoechthistatus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudomacrochenus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudomeges of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudometopides of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudomyagrus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudonemophas of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudopsacothea of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudostixis of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudothestus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudothyastus of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudovelleda of Paleotropical reg.
Pseudoxenicotela of Paleotropical reg.
Rhodopina of Paleotropical reg.
Rufohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Sarothrocera of Paleotropical reg.
Setovelleda of Paleotropical reg.
Spinaristobia of Paleotropical reg.
Spinovelleda of Paleotropical reg.
Stegenagapanthia of Paleotropical reg.
Stegenodes of Paleotropical reg.
Stegenus of Paleotropical reg.
Sternohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Sternorsidis of Paleotropical reg.
Stixis of Paleotropical reg.
Strandiata of Paleotropical reg.
Striatorsidis of Paleotropical reg.
Superagnia of Paleotropical reg.
Teocchiana of Paleotropical reg.
Thermonotus of Paleotropical reg.
Thestus of Paleotropical reg.
Thylactomimus of Paleotropical reg.
Tomohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Tomolamia of Paleotropical reg.
Trachystohamus of Paleotropical reg.
Trachystola of Paleotropical reg.
Trachystolodes of Paleotropical reg.
Triammatus of Paleotropical reg.
Trichacalolepta of Paleotropical reg.
Trichagnia of Paleotropical reg.
Trichamechana of Paleotropical reg.
Tricholamia of Paleotropical reg.
Trichomelanauster of Paleotropical reg.
Trichomonochamus of Paleotropical reg.
Trichostixis of Paleotropical reg.
Trysimia of Paleotropical reg.
Tympanopalpus of Paleotropical reg.
Uraecha of Paleotropical reg.
Velleda of Paleotropical reg.
Velledopsis of Paleotropical reg.
Xenicotela of Paleotropical reg.
Xenicotelopsis of Paleotropical reg.
Xenohammus of Paleotropical reg.
Xoes of Paleotropical reg.