Eutetrapha of South East Palearctic region
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E. bicostata of South East Palearctic reg.
E. chlorotica of South East Palearctic reg.
E. cinnabarina of South East Palearctic reg.
E. complexa of South East Palearctic reg.
E. elegans of South East Palearctic reg.
E. flavoguttata of South East Palearctic reg.
E. gui of South East Palearctic reg.
E. laosensis of South East Palearctic reg.
E. lini of South East Palearctic reg.
E. parastigmosa of South East Palearctic reg.
E. sedecimpunctata of South East Palearctic reg.
E. shaanxiana of South East Palearctic reg.
E. shiqianensis of South East Palearctic reg.
E. stigmosa of South East Palearctic reg.
E. tianmushana of South East Palearctic reg.
E. velutinofasciata of South East Palearctic reg.
E. weni of South East Palearctic reg.
plate • E.
plate • E. of Palaearctic region
plate • Saperdini of South East Palearctic region
plate • South East Palearctic region