Phytoecia (Pseudoblepisanis) of Paleotropical region
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P. (P.) analis of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) atripennis of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) atrohumeralis of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) basilewskyi of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) cylindricollis of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) fuscolateralis of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) haroldi of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) nigriventris of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) nigrohumeralis of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) nigrohumeralis of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) pallida of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) pseudafricana of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) pseudosomereni of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) somereni of Paleotropical reg.
P. (P.) sylvatica of Paleotropical reg.