Exocentrus (Camptomyne) of Paleotropical region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
E. (C.) of Afrotropical reg.
E. (C.) of Indoceylonese reg.
E. (C.) of Indochinese reg.
E. (C.) of Indomalayan reg.
E. (C.) of Philippines reg.
E. (C.) alboscutellaris of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) albosignatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) albostictipennis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) albostriatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) alluaudi of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) angusticollis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) apicerufa of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) armatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) ashanticus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) basilanus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) basilewskyi of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) bifuscomaculatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) binaluensis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) birmanus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) bremeri of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) carissae of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) chatterjeei of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) clarkeanus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) coeruleus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) conradti of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) costatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) cyaneus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) decorsei of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) drescheri of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) exiguus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) flavipennis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) flavoseriatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) fuscosignatipennis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) fuscovittatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) gabonicola of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) gedeensis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) ghanae of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) hirtus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) humeralis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) hupehensis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) inclusus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) insularis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) javaensis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) kalshoveni of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) latefasciatipennis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) lateriflavus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) leucosticticus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) leucostictipennis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) leucostriatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) longespinicollis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) luteus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) maiae of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) microspinicollis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) minimus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) misellus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) moerens of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) multialboguttatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) multivittatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) murinus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) nevillei of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) niger of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) nigrescens of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) nigricollis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) nigrofasciatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) nonymoides of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) orientalis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) philippinensis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) pseudomurinus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) pseudonigricollis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) pseudonitens of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) quinquefasciatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) rondoni of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) ruandae of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) ruficornis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) rufosuturalis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) rufulescens of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) rufus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) schoutedeni of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) semiglaber of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) seriatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) sjoestedti of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) subarmatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) subglaber of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) submisellus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) subrufus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) subseriatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) subvariegatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) sumatranus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) sumatrensis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) triplagiatipennis of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) undulatofasciatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) unialbovittatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) vagemaculatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) vagesticticus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) variegatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) vittatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) vittulatus of Paleotropical reg.
E. (C.) x-ornatus of Paleotropical reg.