Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Taeniotes of America

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 15 series and 123 lamiines (11 illustrated)

Author's collection

Boxes of Taeniotes from America

Content of box: 8 lamiines distributed in 5 series
Taeniotes cayennensis
Taeniotes dentatus
Taeniotes farinosus
Taeniotes leucogrammus leucogrammus
Taeniotes pulverulentus

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes cayennensis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk26, Chemin de la mine • 20.viii.2013 14:30 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #16373 ♂ 35.5mm ]

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes cayennensis
specimen #16373 ♂ 35.5mm • Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk26, Chemin de la mine • 20.viii.2013 14:30 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes dentatus
Content: 2 lamiines
• Peru, Junin, Satipo, Rio Tambo • 15.iii.2012 [ specimen #15470 ♂ 31mm ]
• Peru, Junin, Satipo, Rio Tambo • 15.iii.2012 [ specimen #15471 ♀ 30mm ]

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes dentatus
specimen #15470 ♂ 31mm • Peru, Junin, Satipo, Rio Tambo • 15.iii.2012

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes dentatus
specimen #15471 ♀ 30mm • Peru, Junin, Satipo, Rio Tambo • 15.iii.2012

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes farinosus
Content: 2 lamiines
• Guyane, Paramana • 11.iii.1978 • leg. Nazaret, G. [ specimen #4041 ♂ 29mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 (piste) • 19.viii.2011 10:30 • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #14816 ♀ 29mm ]

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes farinosus
specimen #4041 ♂ 29mm • Guyane, Paramana • 11.iii.1978 • leg. Nazaret, G.

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes farinosus
specimen #14816 ♀ 29mm • Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 (piste) • 19.viii.2011 10:30 • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes leucogrammus leucogrammus
Content: 1 lamiine
• Martinique, Colson • 10.iv.1961 • leg. Pierre, J. [ specimen #14469 ♂ 38mm ]

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes leucogrammus leucogrammus
specimen #14469 ♂ 38mm • Martinique, Colson • 10.iv.1961 • leg. Pierre, J.

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes pulverulentus
Content: 2 lamiines
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G. [ specimen #8774 ♂ 31mm ]
• Guyane, Cacao • 15.x.2008 [ specimen #16082 ♀ 25.5mm ]

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes pulverulentus
specimen #8774 ♂ 31mm • Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G.

Boxes of Taeniotes from America in author's collection

LAMIINITaeniotes pulverulentus
specimen #16082 ♀ 25.5mm • Guyane, Cacao • 15.x.2008