Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae


Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 7 series and 39 lamiines (24 illustrated)

Author's collection

Boxes of Lasiopezus

Tribe: Ancylonotini
Content of box: 15 lamiines distributed in 4 series
Lasiopezus brunoi
Lasiopezus brunoi
Lasiopezus hiekei
Lasiopezus longimanus

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus brunoi
Content: 6 lamiines distributed in 5 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 8km S Key Afer, 920m, N05°26'59'' E036°44'42'' [ specimen #12105 ♂ 17.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Djibouti, Randa [ specimen #3471 ♂ 20mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Kenya, Meru distr., Matiri (Mitunguu), mt.800 [ specimen #10401 ♀ 19mm ]
Subserie #4:
• Tanzanie, Savanne Pave, Usambara, Tanga reg., 475m [ specimen #10405 ♂ 17mm ]
• Zambia, Lusaka, Kafue River, Kafue City, 1200 mt/s.m. [ specimen #10399 ♂ 22mm ]
Subserie #5:
• Eswatini, Manzini P., Dombeya Wildlife Es., 26°21'29''S 31°32'58''E, 415m [ specimen #21572 ♂ 17.5mm ]

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus brunoi
specimen #12105 ♂ 17.5mm collected on 08.05.2008
Locality on label: Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 8km S Key Afer, 920m, N05°26'59'' E036°44'42''

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus brunoi
specimen #3471 ♂ 20mm collected on 28.12.1989
Locality on label: Djibouti, Randa

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus brunoi
specimen #10401 ♀ 19mm collected on 18.10.1982
Locality on label: Kenya, Meru distr., Matiri (Mitunguu), mt.800

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus brunoi
specimen #10405 ♂ 17mm collected on x-2004
Locality on label: Tanzanie, Savanne Pave, Usambara, Tanga reg., 475m

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus brunoi
Content: 6 lamiines distributed in 5 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 8km S Key Afer, 920m, N05°26'59'' E036°44'42'' [ specimen #12105 ♂ 17.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Djibouti, Randa [ specimen #3471 ♂ 20mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Kenya, Meru distr., Matiri (Mitunguu), mt.800 [ specimen #10401 ♀ 19mm ]
Subserie #4:
• Tanzanie, Savanne Pave, Usambara, Tanga reg., 475m [ specimen #10405 ♂ 17mm ]
• Zambia, Lusaka, Kafue River, Kafue City, 1200 mt/s.m. [ specimen #10399 ♂ 22mm ]
Subserie #5:
• Eswatini, Manzini P., Dombeya Wildlife Es., 26°21'29''S 31°32'58''E, 415m [ specimen #21572 ♂ 17.5mm ]

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus brunoi
specimen #10399 ♂ 22mm collected on xii-1985
Locality on label: Zambia, Lusaka, Kafue River, Kafue City, 1200 mt/s.m.

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus brunoi
specimen #21572 ♂ 17.5mm collected on 17.02.2020
Locality on label: Eswatini, Manzini P., Dombeya Wildlife Es., 26°21'29''S 31°32'58''E, 415m

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus hiekei
Content: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Tanzania, near Mitundo, Dodoma prov. [ specimen #10407 ♂ 16mm ]
• Tanzania, near Mitundo, Dodoma prov. [ specimen #10406 ♀ 20.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Zaïre, Shaba, Milungwishi [ specimen #12636 ♀ 22mm ]

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus hiekei
specimen #10407 ♂ 16mm collected on 13.12.1999
Locality on label: Tanzania, near Mitundo, Dodoma prov.

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus hiekei
specimen #10406 ♀ 20.5mm collected on 13.12.1999
Locality on label: Tanzania, near Mitundo, Dodoma prov.

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus hiekei
specimen #12636 ♀ 22mm collected on 26.11.1989
Locality on label: Zaïre, Shaba, Milungwishi

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus longimanus
Content: 6 lamiines distributed in 4 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Kenya, Meru distr., Materi Mitungun, 800 mt. [ specimen #3467 ♂ 22.5mm ]
• Kenya, Meru distr., Materi Mitungun, 800 mt. [ specimen #3468 ♀ 27mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Kenya, env. Diani, 2-7km S-SO. carrefour Ukunda [ specimen #9694 ♂ 15.5mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Zambia, Lusaka, Kafue River, Kafue City, 1200 mt/s.m. [ specimen #10396 ♂ 19.5mm ]
• Eswatini, Manzini P., Dombeya Wildlife Es., 26°21'29''S 31°32'58''E, 415m [ specimen #21571 ♀ 24.5mm ]
Subserie #4:
• R. C. I., Adiopodoumé [ specimen #10397 ♀ 20mm ]

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus longimanus
specimen #3467 ♂ 22.5mm collected on 09.11.1988
Locality on label: Kenya, Meru distr., Materi Mitungun, 800 mt.

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus longimanus
specimen #3468 ♀ 27mm collected on 09.11.1988
Locality on label: Kenya, Meru distr., Materi Mitungun, 800 mt.

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus longimanus
specimen #9694 ♂ 15.5mm collected on 22.07.2007 12:30
Locality on label: Kenya, env. Diani, 2-7km S-SO. carrefour Ukunda

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus longimanus
specimen #10396 ♂ 19.5mm collected on xii-1985
Locality on label: Zambia, Lusaka, Kafue River, Kafue City, 1200 mt/s.m.

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus longimanus
specimen #21571 ♀ 24.5mm collected on 17.02.2020
Locality on label: Eswatini, Manzini P., Dombeya Wildlife Es., 26°21'29''S 31°32'58''E, 415m

Boxes of Lasiopezus in author's collection

AncylonotiniLasiopezus longimanus
specimen #10397 ♀ 20mm collected on v-1999
Locality on label: R. C. I., Adiopodoumé