Choeromorpha (Choeromorpha)
Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 13 series and 60 lamiines (11 illustrated)
box • C. (C.) of Indochinese reg.
box • C. (C.) of Indomalayan reg.
box • C. (C.) of Philippines reg.
box • C. (C.) of Austromalayan reg.
C. (C.) amica
C. (C.) callizona
C. (C.) mystica
C. (C.) panagensis
C. (C.) pigra
C. (C.) polynesa
C. (C.) polyspila
C. (C.) subfasciata
C. (C.) sulphurea
C. (C.) trifasciata
C. (C.) violaceicornis
C. (C.) vivesi
C. (C.) wallacei