Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Tragocephalini of Paleotropical region

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 108 series and 253 lamiines (72 illustrated)

Author's collection

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region

Tribe: Tragocephalini
Content of box: 23 lamiines distributed in 15 series
Anatragus pulchellus
Aparescus praecox
Armatosterna buquetiana
Baliesthes alboguttatus
Callimation pontificum
Callimation venustum
Chariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
Chariesthes (Chariesthes) somaliensis
Chariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) albovariegata
Chariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) latefasciata
Chariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
Chariesthoides bicornuta
Crucitragus crucifer
Dinocephalus ornatus
Graciella epipleuralis

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniAnatragus pulchellus
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Obout [ specimen #7916 ♂ 19mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniAnatragus pulchellus
specimen #7916 ♂ 19mm collected on 10.11.2001
Locality on label: Cameroun, Obout

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniAparescus praecox
Content: 1 lamiine
• Tanzanie, Kombara [ specimen #9939 ♂ 18mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniAparescus praecox
specimen #9939 ♂ 18mm collected on 16.03.2003
Locality on label: Tanzanie, Kombara

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniArmatosterna buquetiana
Content: 2 lamiines
• Côte d'Ivoire, Yapo [ specimen #11795 12mm ]
• Côte d'Ivoire, Yapo [ specimen #11794 13mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniArmatosterna buquetiana
specimen #11795 12mm collected on xi-1998
Locality on label: Côte d'Ivoire, Yapo

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniArmatosterna buquetiana
specimen #11794 13mm collected on xi-1998
Locality on label: Côte d'Ivoire, Yapo

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniBaliesthes alboguttatus
Content: 2 lamiines
• Ethiopie, Gemu Gofa Prov., Konso, Omo Reg. [ specimen #4646 ♂ 24mm ]
• Ethiopie, Goma Goffa, Konso [ specimen #10393 ♀ 23.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniBaliesthes alboguttatus
specimen #4646 ♂ 24mm collected on 30.04.1992
Locality on label: Ethiopie, Gemu Gofa Prov., Konso, Omo Reg.

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniBaliesthes alboguttatus
specimen #10393 ♀ 23.5mm collected on iv-2002
Locality on label: Ethiopie, Goma Goffa, Konso

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniCallimation pontificum
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #3239 15.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniCallimation pontificum
specimen #3239 15.5mm collected on xi-1999
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniCallimation venustum
Content: 3 lamiines
• Madagascar, Moramanga [ specimen #10138 ♂ 16.5mm ]
• Madagascar, Fénérive [ specimen #5783 ♀ 18.5mm ]
• Madagascar, Moramanga [ specimen #10139 ♂ 15.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniCallimation venustum
specimen #10138 ♂ 16.5mm collected on iii-2007
Locality on label: Madagascar, Moramanga

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniCallimation venustum
specimen #5783 ♀ 18.5mm
Locality on label: Madagascar, Fénérive

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniCallimation venustum
specimen #10139 ♂ 15.5mm collected on iii-2007
Locality on label: Madagascar, Moramanga

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Menguémé [ specimen #11776 ♀ 9.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
specimen #11776 ♀ 9.5mm collected on v-1998
Locality on label: Cameroun, Menguémé

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) somaliensis
Content: 2 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Ethiopie, Sidamo, 16km SE Yabello, 1600m, N04°51'00'' E038°13'30'' [ specimen #10153 ♀ 8mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 4 km SE Key Afer, 1230m, N 05°29'09'' E 036°44'37'' [ specimen #11752 ♀ 10.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) somaliensis
specimen #10153 ♀ 8mm collected on 16.04.2007
Locality on label: Ethiopie, Sidamo, 16km SE Yabello, 1600m, N04°51'00'' E038°13'30''

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) somaliensis
specimen #11752 ♀ 10.5mm collected on 09.05.2008
Locality on label: Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 4 km SE Key Afer, 1230m, N 05°29'09'' E 036°44'37''

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) albovariegata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Tanzanie, Dar es Salam, Kisarawe Ft, 260m [ specimen #10276 ♂ 10.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) albovariegata
specimen #10276 ♂ 10.5mm collected on x-2004
Locality on label: Tanzanie, Dar es Salam, Kisarawe Ft, 260m

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) latefasciata
Content: 3 lamiines
• R. C. I., Adiopodoumé [ specimen #11755 ♀ 13mm ]
• R. C. I., Bouaké [ specimen #11756 ♂ 11mm ]
• R. C. I., Bouaké [ specimen #11757 ♂ 11.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) latefasciata
specimen #11755 ♀ 13mm collected on x-1998
Locality on label: R. C. I., Adiopodoumé

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) latefasciata
specimen #11756 ♂ 11mm collected on xi-1998
Locality on label: R. C. I., Bouaké

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) latefasciata
specimen #11757 ♂ 11.5mm collected on xi-1998
Locality on label: R. C. I., Bouaké

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #11886 ♀ 12.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
specimen #11886 ♀ 12.5mm collected on iv-1998
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthoides bicornuta
Content: 2 lamiines
• Kenya, near Voi [ specimen #12845 ♂ 12mm ]
• Kenya, Taita Hills [ specimen #12846 ♀ 11.5mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthoides bicornuta
specimen #12845 ♂ 12mm collected on 29.11.1997
Locality on label: Kenya, near Voi

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthoides bicornuta
specimen #12846 ♀ 11.5mm collected on xii-1991
Locality on label: Kenya, Taita Hills

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniCrucitragus crucifer
Content: 1 lamiine
• Kenya, near Voi [ specimen #12851 ♀ 8mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniCrucitragus crucifer
specimen #12851 ♀ 8mm collected on 29.11.1997
Locality on label: Kenya, near Voi

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniDinocephalus ornatus
Content: 1 lamiine
• R. S. Africa, Transvaal, Warm Baths [ specimen #5786 ♂ 16mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniDinocephalus ornatus
specimen #5786 ♂ 16mm collected on 26.12.1988
Locality on label: R. S. Africa, Transvaal, Warm Baths

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniGraciella epipleuralis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #11881 ♀ 10mm ]

Boxes of Tragocephalini from Paleotropical region in author's collection

TragocephaliniGraciella epipleuralis
specimen #11881 ♀ 10mm collected on i-1999
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre