Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Homonoeini of Neoguinean region

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 5 series and 8 lamiines (7 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region

Tribe: Homonoeini
Content of box: 7 lamiines distributed in 5 series
Heteroclytomorpha sexplagiata sexplagiata
Heteroclytomorpha sormeoides salomonum
Mulciber sp. #5052
Mulciber linnei
Mulciber undulatoides

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniHeteroclytomorpha sexplagiata sexplagiata
Content: 2 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Guadalcanal, Honiara reg., Lunga river env., 5-15 km S Barana vill., 80-250 m [ specimen #19098 ♂ 18.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Salomon, Rendova [ specimen #21673 ♀ 16.5mm ]

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniHeteroclytomorpha sexplagiata sexplagiata
specimen #19098 ♂ 18.5mm collected on 01.12.2013
Locality on label: Guadalcanal, Honiara reg., Lunga river env., 5-15 km S Barana vill., 80-250 m

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniHeteroclytomorpha sexplagiata sexplagiata
specimen #21673 ♀ 16.5mm collected on 09.08.1989
Locality on label: Salomon, Rendova

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniHeteroclytomorpha sormeoides salomonum
Content: 1 lamiine
• Guadalcanal [ specimen #8273 ♀ 26.5mm ]

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniHeteroclytomorpha sormeoides salomonum
specimen #8273 ♀ 26.5mm collected on 08.04.2001
Locality on label: Guadalcanal

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniMulciber sp. #5052
Content: 1 lamiine
• Irian Jaya, Tembagapura [ specimen #21859 ♀ 31.5mm ]

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniMulciber sp. #5052
specimen #21859 ♀ 31.5mm collected on iii-2019
Locality on label: Irian Jaya, Tembagapura

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniMulciber linnei
Content: 1 lamiine
• Indonesia, West Papua, Manokwari prov. [ specimen #20693 ♂ 21.5mm ]

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniMulciber linnei
specimen #20693 ♂ 21.5mm collected on viii-2018
Locality on label: Indonesia, West Papua, Manokwari prov.

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniMulciber undulatoides
Content: 2 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Aru, S coast of Wokam I., 10-15 km NEE Wakua vill., 0-50 m [ specimen #21911 ♂ 22.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Papua, Tembagapura [ specimen #21863 ♀ 20.5mm ]

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniMulciber undulatoides
specimen #21911 ♂ 22.5mm collected on 25.01.2015
Locality on label: Aru, S coast of Wokam I., 10-15 km NEE Wakua vill., 0-50 m

Box of Homonoeini from Neoguinean region in author's collection

HomonoeiniMulciber undulatoides
specimen #21863 ♀ 20.5mm collected on vi-2019
Locality on label: Papua, Tembagapura