Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Tmesisternini of Moluccas

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 8 series and 21 lamiines (5 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas

Content of box: 5 lamiines distributed in 4 series
Sphingnotus dunningi dunningi
Tmesisternus lotor externemaculatus
Tmesisternus ruficornis
Tmesisternus rufipes

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINISphingnotus dunningi dunningi
Content: 2 lamiines
• Buru • 15.ix.2002 [ specimen #14154 ♂ 32.5mm ]
• Buru • 15.v.2005 [ specimen #15698 ♀ 32mm ]

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINISphingnotus dunningi dunningi
specimen #14154 ♂ 32.5mm • Buru • 15.ix.2002

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINISphingnotus dunningi dunningi
specimen #15698 ♀ 32mm • Buru • 15.v.2005

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINITmesisternus lotor externemaculatus
Content: 1 lamiine
• Buru • 01.vii.1997 [ specimen #7457 ♂ 16.5mm ]

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINITmesisternus lotor externemaculatus
specimen #7457 ♂ 16.5mm • Buru • 01.vii.1997

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINITmesisternus ruficornis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Maluku, Seram, Unit O 35 km E. Pasahari • 27.x.1998 • leg. Mehl, O. [ specimen #16229 ♂ 18.5mm ]

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINITmesisternus ruficornis
specimen #16229 ♂ 18.5mm • Maluku, Seram, Unit O 35 km E. Pasahari • 27.x.1998 • leg. Mehl, O.

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINITmesisternus rufipes
Content: 1 lamiine
• Key, 10km W Tual city (13), S5°37'13''E132°39'20'' • 19.ii.2011 • leg. Mehl, O. [ specimen #16233 ♂ 11.5mm ]

Box of Tmesisternini from Moluccas in author's collection

TMESISTERNINITmesisternus rufipes
specimen #16233 ♂ 11.5mm • Key, 10km W Tual city (13), S5°37'13''E132°39'20'' • 19.ii.2011 • leg. Mehl, O.