Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Nyssodrysternum serpentinum of America

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 92 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America

Tribe: Acanthocinini
Content of box: 92 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Nyssodrysternum serpentinum

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
Content: 92 lamiines distributed in 3 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 [ specimen #23150 ♂ 8.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montsinéry, D14 (carrefour D5) [ specimen #17745 ♂ 7mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52 [ specimen #23091 ♀ 10.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk29 [ specimen #8952 ♀ 9.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 [ specimen #23149 ♂ 7mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52 [ specimen #23092 ♂ 8.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52 [ specimen #22750 ♂ 7.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk5, près d'Escolle [ specimen #18318 ♂ 8.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montsinéry, D14 (carrefour D5) [ specimen #17746 ♂ 7.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 [ specimen #23151 ♀ 9mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52 [ specimen #22749 ♀ 8.5mm ]
• Guyane, Bagne des Annamites, D5 [ specimen #3607 ♀ 8.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 [ specimen #23176 ♂ 7mm ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6473 ♂ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6471 ♂ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6466 ♂ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6486 ♀ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6469 ♀ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6467 ♀ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #5275 ♀ ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 [ specimen #23152 ♂ 6.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande, sentier du Bagne des Annamites [ specimen #18323 ♂ 7mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52 [ specimen #18321 ♂ 7.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52 [ specimen #18320 ♂ 6.5mm ]
• Guyane, sentier du Mont Mahury [ specimen #17748 ♂ 6.5mm ]
• Guyane, sentier du Mont Mahury [ specimen #17747 ♂ 7mm ]
• Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal [ specimen #15125 ♂ ]
• Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal [ specimen #15123 ♂ ]
• Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal [ specimen #15122 ♂ ]
• Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal [ specimen #15121 ♂ ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk29 [ specimen #8951 ♂ ]
• Guyane, Piste Coralie, pk3 [ specimen #6463 ♂ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #5276 ♂ ]
• Guyane, Remire, sentier du Rorota [ specimen #3612 ♂ 7mm ]
• Guyane, Bagne des Annamites, D5 [ specimen #3609 ♂ 8.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 [ specimen #23243 ♀ 9.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 [ specimen #23242 ♀ 11mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 [ specimen #23148 ♀ 7mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52 [ specimen #23111 ♀ 9mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52 [ specimen #23110 ♀ 8.5mm ]
• Guyane, Tonate, RN1, pk34 [ specimen #18324 ♀ 10mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk39 [ specimen #18319 ♀ 9.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande, sentier du Bagne des Annamites [ specimen #18317 ♀ 11.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande, sentier du Bagne des Annamites [ specimen #18316 ♀ 10mm ]
• Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal [ specimen #15124 ♀ ]
• Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal [ specimen #15120 ♀ ]
• Guyane, Rémire-Montjoly, sentier du Rorota [ specimen #15119 ♀ ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37.5 (piste) [ specimen #8953 ♀ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6470 ♀ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6468 ♀ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6465 ♀ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6464 ♀ ]
Subserie #2:
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18840 ♂ 10mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17502 ♀ 13mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18915 ♂ 8mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18914 ♂ 8mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18913 ♂ 8.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18912 ♂ 10mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18839 ♂ 10mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18835 ♂ 11mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18834 ♂ 9.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18832 ♂ 9.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18831 ♂ 11mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18830 ♂ 10.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18829 ♂ 9.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18828 ♂ 9mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18827 ♂ 11mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17517 ♂ 11mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17515 ♂ 9.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17513 ♂ 9.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17511 ♂ 11.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18919 ♀ 9mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18918 ♀ 10mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18838 ♀ 13mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18836 ♀ 10mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18833 ♀ 13.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18826 ♀ 13mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17518 ♀ 13mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17510 ♀ 14.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17506 ♀ 14mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17503 ♀ 13.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18841 ♂ 9mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17516 ♂ 10.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17514 ♂ 10.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17509 ♂ 11mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17507 ♂ 10.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18917 ♀ 9mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18916 ♀ 9mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17512 ♀ 14.5mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #17505 ♀ 13mm ]
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 [ specimen #18842 ♀ 10mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m [ specimen #6472 ♂ 8.5mm ]

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23150 ♂ 8.5mm collected on 06.09.2023 10:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17745 ♂ 7mm collected on 24.08.2014 11:15
Locality on label: Guyane, Montsinéry, D14 (carrefour D5)

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23091 ♀ 10.5mm collected on 18.08.2023 12:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #8952 ♀ 9.5mm collected on 13.08.2006 22:15
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk29

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23149 ♂ 7mm collected on 05.09.2023 10:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23092 ♂ 8.5mm collected on 21.08.2023 15:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #22750 ♂ 7.5mm collected on 11.09.2022 11:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18318 ♂ 8.5mm collected on 14.09.2015 13:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk5, près d'Escolle

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17746 ♂ 7.5mm collected on 24.08.2014 11:15
Locality on label: Guyane, Montsinéry, D14 (carrefour D5)

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23151 ♀ 9mm collected on 06.09.2023 10:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #22749 ♀ 8.5mm collected on 22.08.2022 11:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #3607 ♀ 8.5mm collected on 19.09.1997
Locality on label: Guyane, Bagne des Annamites, D5

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23176 ♂ 7mm collected on 03.09.2023 10:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6473 ♂ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6471 ♂ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6466 ♂ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6486 ♀ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6469 ♀ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6467 ♀ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #5275 ♀ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23152 ♂ 6.5mm collected on 06.09.2023 10:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18323 ♂ 7mm collected on 21.09.2015 13:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande, sentier du Bagne des Annamites

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18321 ♂ 7.5mm collected on 11.09.2015 12:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18320 ♂ 6.5mm collected on 11.09.2015 12:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17748 ♂ 6.5mm collected on 20.08.2014 16:00
Locality on label: Guyane, sentier du Mont Mahury

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17747 ♂ 7mm collected on 20.08.2014 16:00
Locality on label: Guyane, sentier du Mont Mahury

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #15125 ♂ collected on 29.08.2011 14:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #15123 ♂ collected on 27.08.2011 13:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #15122 ♂ collected on 25.08.2011 12:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #15121 ♂ collected on 25.08.2011 12:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #8951 ♂ collected on 20.08.2006 11:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk29

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6463 ♂ collected on 25.02.2001 9:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Piste Coralie, pk3

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #5276 ♂ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #3612 ♂ 7mm collected on 25.09.1997
Locality on label: Guyane, Remire, sentier du Rorota

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #3609 ♂ 8.5mm collected on 15.09.1997
Locality on label: Guyane, Bagne des Annamites, D5

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23243 ♀ 9.5mm collected on 01.09.2023 12:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23242 ♀ 11mm collected on 30.08.2023 13:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23148 ♀ 7mm collected on 04.09.2023 10:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23111 ♀ 9mm collected on 25.08.2023 14:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #23110 ♀ 8.5mm collected on 23.08.2023 14:15
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk52

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18324 ♀ 10mm collected on 23.09.2015 14:30
Locality on label: Guyane, Tonate, RN1, pk34

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18319 ♀ 9.5mm collected on 21.09.2015 8:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk39

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18317 ♀ 11.5mm collected on 18.09.2015 12:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande, sentier du Bagne des Annamites

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18316 ♀ 10mm collected on 19.09.2015 11:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande, sentier du Bagne des Annamites

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #15124 ♀ collected on 27.08.2011 13:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #15120 ♀ collected on 25.08.2011 12:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Rémire, 1km Carrefour Vidal

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #15119 ♀ collected on 16.08.2007 12:45
Locality on label: Guyane, Rémire-Montjoly, sentier du Rorota

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #8953 ♀ collected on 21.08.2005 11:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37.5 (piste)

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6470 ♀ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6468 ♀ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6465 ♀ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6464 ♀ collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18840 ♂ 10mm collected on 05.06.2016 11:45
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17502 ♀ 13mm collected on 30.05.2014 12:00
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18915 ♂ 8mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18914 ♂ 8mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18913 ♂ 8.5mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18912 ♂ 10mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18839 ♂ 10mm collected on 05.06.2016 11:45
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18835 ♂ 11mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18834 ♂ 9.5mm collected on 04.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18832 ♂ 9.5mm collected on 04.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18831 ♂ 11mm collected on 05.06.2016 04:15
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18830 ♂ 10.5mm collected on 05.06.2016 04:15
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18829 ♂ 9.5mm collected on 07.06.2016 10:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18828 ♂ 9mm collected on 07.06.2016 10:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18827 ♂ 11mm collected on 07.06.2016 10:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17517 ♂ 11mm collected on 31.05.2014 13:45
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17515 ♂ 9.5mm collected on 01.06.2014 14:15
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17513 ♂ 9.5mm collected on 30.05.2014 12:00
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17511 ♂ 11.5mm collected on 31.05.2014 23:45
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18919 ♀ 9mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18918 ♀ 10mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18838 ♀ 13mm collected on 05.06.2016 11:45
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18836 ♀ 10mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18833 ♀ 13.5mm collected on 04.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18826 ♀ 13mm collected on 08.06.2016 10:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17518 ♀ 13mm collected on 01.06.2014 23:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17510 ♀ 14.5mm collected on 01.06.2014 14:15
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17506 ♀ 14mm collected on 30.05.2014 12:00
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17503 ♀ 13.5mm collected on 30.05.2014 12:00
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18841 ♂ 9mm collected on 05.06.2016 11:45
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17516 ♂ 10.5mm collected on 31.05.2014 13:45
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17514 ♂ 10.5mm collected on 30.05.2014 12:00
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17509 ♂ 11mm collected on 01.06.2014 14:15
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17507 ♂ 10.5mm collected on 30.05.2014 12:00
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18917 ♀ 9mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18916 ♀ 9mm collected on 02.06.2016 11:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17512 ♀ 14.5mm collected on 30.05.2014 14:30
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #17505 ♀ 13mm collected on 30.05.2014 12:00
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #18842 ♀ 10mm collected on 05.06.2016 11:45
Locality on label: Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0

Box of Nyssodrysternum serpentinum from America in author's collection

AcanthocininiNyssodrysternum serpentinum
specimen #6472 ♂ 8.5mm collected on 17.10.1993
Locality on label: Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m