Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Desmiphorini of America

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 97 series and 709 lamiines (36 illustrated)

Author's collection

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America

Content of box: 56 lamiines distributed in 20 series
Aconopterus cristatipennis
Alphinellus minimus
Blabia similis
Blabicentrus bellus
Blabicentrus martinsi
Cymatonycha castanea
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) sp. #1205
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) sp. #1446
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) boliviana
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) fasciculata
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) ferruginea
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) hirticollis
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) lateralis
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) mirim
Desmiphora (Desmiphora) nigroannulata

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

Content: 1 lamiine [ serie #2147 ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 13.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7127 ♂ ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

specimen #7127 ♂ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 13.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

Content: 1 lamiine [ serie #1408 ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G. [ specimen #3795 ♀ ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

specimen #3795 ♀ • Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIAconopterus cristatipennis
Content: 3 lamiines
• Chile, IX. Region • 28.iii.2007 [ specimen #10338 ♂ 8.5mm ]
• Chili, Valvidia • 10.x.1991 [ specimen #1080 ♂ 9.5mm ]
• Chili, Valvidia • 10.x.1991 [ specimen #1079 ♂ 9.5mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIAconopterus cristatipennis
specimen #10338 ♂ 8.5mm • Chile, IX. Region • 28.iii.2007

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIAconopterus cristatipennis
specimen #1080 ♂ 9.5mm • Chili, Valvidia • 10.x.1991

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIAconopterus cristatipennis
specimen #1079 ♂ 9.5mm • Chili, Valvidia • 10.x.1991

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIAlphinellus minimus
Content: 1 lamiine
• Mexique, Quintana Roo, Playa Del Carmen, El Marlyn Azul • 22.iv.2009 11:15 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #11978 ♂ 3mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIAlphinellus minimus
specimen #11978 ♂ 3mm • Mexique, Quintana Roo, Playa Del Carmen, El Marlyn Azul • 22.iv.2009 11:15 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIBlabia similis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Guyane, Piste de Belizon, pk15+3 • 14.vii.2001 12:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7551 ♂ 10mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIBlabia similis
specimen #7551 ♂ 10mm • Guyane, Piste de Belizon, pk15+3 • 14.vii.2001 12:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIBlabicentrus bellus
Content: 2 lamiines
• Bolivie, Nor Yungas, Rte de Coroico, 1500m, Cavanavi • 16.x.1995 • leg. Lecourt, G. [ specimen #6181 ♀ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G. [ specimen #1742 ♀ 12mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIBlabicentrus bellus
specimen #6181 ♀ • Bolivie, Nor Yungas, Rte de Coroico, 1500m, Cavanavi • 16.x.1995 • leg. Lecourt, G.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIBlabicentrus bellus
specimen #1742 ♀ 12mm • Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIBlabicentrus martinsi
Content: 2 lamiines
• Guyane, Piste de Patagaï, Les 2 flots • 15.ix.2001 [ specimen #6183 ♂ 7mm ]
• Guyane, Piste Bélizon • 16.viii.1991 • leg. Bleuzen, P. [ specimen #3929 ♂ 7.5mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIBlabicentrus martinsi
specimen #6183 ♂ 7mm • Guyane, Piste de Patagaï, Les 2 flots • 15.ix.2001

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIBlabicentrus martinsi
specimen #3929 ♂ 7.5mm • Guyane, Piste Bélizon • 16.viii.1991 • leg. Bleuzen, P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINICymatonycha castanea
Content: 1 lamiine
• Nicaragua, Granada Prov., Reserva Silvestre Domitila • • au piège lumineux • leg. Audureau, A. [ specimen #13211 ♂ 9.5mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINICymatonycha castanea
specimen #13211 ♂ 9.5mm • Nicaragua, Granada Prov., Reserva Silvestre Domitila • • au piège lumineux • leg. Audureau, A.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) sp.
Content: 2 lamiines [ serie #1205 ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G. [ specimen #3280 ♂ ]
• Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G. [ specimen #3279 ♀ 13mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) sp. #1205
specimen #3280 ♂ • Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) sp. #1205
specimen #3279 ♀ 13mm • Bolivie, Beni, Rte Rurrenabaque, Yocumo, 210-650m • 17.x.1993 • leg. Lecourt, G.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) sp.
Content: 3 lamiines [ serie #1446 ]
• Paraguay, Trans. Chaco. • 13.xi.1996 [ specimen #3863 ♀ ]
• Paraguay, Trans. Chaco. • 13.xi.1996 [ specimen #3862 ♂ ]
• Paraguay, Trans. Chaco. • 13.xi.1996 [ specimen #3861 ♂ ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) sp. #1446
specimen #3863 ♀ • Paraguay, Trans. Chaco. • 13.xi.1996

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) sp. #1446
specimen #3862 ♂ • Paraguay, Trans. Chaco. • 13.xi.1996

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) sp. #1446
specimen #3861 ♂ • Paraguay, Trans. Chaco. • 13.xi.1996

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) boliviana
Content: 2 lamiines
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 (piste) • 08.ix.2010 • au piège lumineux • leg. Audureau, A. [ specimen #13644 ♀ 6mm ]
• Guyane, Saül • 15.x.2007 • leg. Giuglaris, J.-L. [ specimen #13286 ♂ 7mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) boliviana
specimen #13644 ♀ 6mm • Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 (piste) • 08.ix.2010 • au piège lumineux • leg. Audureau, A.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) boliviana
specimen #13286 ♂ 7mm • Guyane, Saül • 15.x.2007 • leg. Giuglaris, J.-L.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
Content: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk29 • 12.viii.2006 18:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #9267 ♂ 12.5mm ]
• Guyane, Rivière des Cascades, Tikilili, D5 • 11.ix.1997 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #3627 ♀ 10.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Paraguay, Cordillera, Naranjo • 04.x.2005 [ specimen #10358 ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
specimen #9267 ♂ 12.5mm • Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk29 • 12.viii.2006 18:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
specimen #3627 ♀ 10.5mm • Guyane, Rivière des Cascades, Tikilili, D5 • 11.ix.1997 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
specimen #10358 • Paraguay, Cordillera, Naranjo • 04.x.2005

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
Content: 2 lamiines
• Argentina, Misiones, Qoraqo • 11.i.1996 [ specimen #3855 ♀ ]
• Brasil, Santa Catarina, Corupa (lo 668) • 15.xi.1997 [ specimen #3580 ♂ ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
specimen #3855 ♀ • Argentina, Misiones, Qoraqo • 11.i.1996

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) cirrosa
specimen #3580 ♂ • Brasil, Santa Catarina, Corupa (lo 668) • 15.xi.1997

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) fasciculata
Content: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk29 • 15.viii.2006 • au battage • leg. Morvan, O. [ specimen #9268 ♂ 20.5mm ]
• Guyane, Degrad des Cannes • 09.x.1987 • au battage • leg. Baloup, J.-M. [ specimen #7545 ♀ 16mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 • 30.v.2014 • au piège lumineux • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #17382 ♀ 16mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) fasciculata
specimen #9268 ♂ 20.5mm • Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk29 • 15.viii.2006 • au battage • leg. Morvan, O.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) fasciculata
specimen #7545 ♀ 16mm • Guyane, Degrad des Cannes • 09.x.1987 • au battage • leg. Baloup, J.-M.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) fasciculata
specimen #17382 ♀ 16mm • Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 • 30.v.2014 • au piège lumineux • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) ferruginea
Content: 5 lamiines
• Guyane, Route de Kaw, pk27 • 05.vii.2017 [ specimen #21971 ♀ 7.5mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk32 (piste) • 02.ix.2005 • au piège lumineux • leg. Audureau, A. [ specimen #13285 ♀ 8.5mm ]
• Guyane, Bélizon • 15.viii.2006 • leg. Giuglaris, J.-L. [ specimen #13284 ♀ 8mm ]
• Guyane, Kaw • 15.ii.2004 • leg. Giuglaris, J.-L. [ specimen #9265 ♂ 7mm ]
• Guyane, Kaw, pk43 • 01.vii.1992 • leg. Cerda, J.-A. [ specimen #7546 ♀ 7.5mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) ferruginea
specimen #21971 ♀ 7.5mm • Guyane, Route de Kaw, pk27 • 05.vii.2017

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) ferruginea
specimen #13285 ♀ 8.5mm • Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk32 (piste) • 02.ix.2005 • au piège lumineux • leg. Audureau, A.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) ferruginea
specimen #13284 ♀ 8mm • Guyane, Bélizon • 15.viii.2006 • leg. Giuglaris, J.-L.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) ferruginea
specimen #9265 ♂ 7mm • Guyane, Kaw • 15.ii.2004 • leg. Giuglaris, J.-L.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) ferruginea
specimen #7546 ♀ 7.5mm • Guyane, Kaw, pk43 • 01.vii.1992 • leg. Cerda, J.-A.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) hirticollis
Content: 6 lamiines distributed in 6 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Mexique, Quintana Roo, Playa Del Carmen, El Marlyn Azul • 13.iv.2009 20:00 • aux lumières • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #11928 ♀ 14.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 • 29.v.2014 23:30 • à la torche • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #17381 ♀ 14.5mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Saint-Vincent, Layou Petroglyph • 30.i.2005 • leg. Touroult, J. [ specimen #7677 ♂ ]
Subserie #4:
• Peru, Iquitos • 01.viii.1999 • leg. Secky, J. [ specimen #9262 ♀ ]
Subserie #5:
• Brasil, Espírito Santo, Linhares • 15.xii.1972 [ specimen #2035 ♀ ]
Subserie #6:
• Paraguay, Concepción, Zanja Moroti • 27.iv.2004 [ specimen #10359 ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) hirticollis
specimen #11928 ♀ 14.5mm • Mexique, Quintana Roo, Playa Del Carmen, El Marlyn Azul • 13.iv.2009 20:00 • aux lumières • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) hirticollis
specimen #17381 ♀ 14.5mm • Nicaragua, Matagalpa, La Sombra, 970-1010m, N13°11.1 W85°45.0 • 29.v.2014 23:30 • à la torche • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) hirticollis
specimen #7677 ♂ • Saint-Vincent, Layou Petroglyph • 30.i.2005 • leg. Touroult, J.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) hirticollis
specimen #9262 ♀ • Peru, Iquitos • 01.viii.1999 • leg. Secky, J.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) hirticollis
specimen #2035 ♀ • Brasil, Espírito Santo, Linhares • 15.xii.1972

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) hirticollis
specimen #10359 • Paraguay, Concepción, Zanja Moroti • 27.iv.2004

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) lateralis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Brasil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia • 16.viii.1957 [ specimen #447 ♀ ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) lateralis
specimen #447 ♀ • Brasil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia • 16.viii.1957

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
Content: 15 lamiines
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 23.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7075 ♂ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 23.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7074 ♀ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 23.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7073 ♀ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 20.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7072 ♂ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 20.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7071 ♀ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7070 ♂ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7069 ♂ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7068 ♀ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7067 ♀ 5mm ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7066 ♀ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 17.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7065 ♀ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 17.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7064 ♂ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 17.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7063 ♂ ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 16.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7062 ♀ 7mm ]
• Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 16.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #7061 ♀ ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7075 ♂ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 23.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7074 ♀ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 23.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7073 ♀ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 23.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7072 ♂ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 20.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7071 ♀ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 20.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7070 ♂ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7069 ♂ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7068 ♀ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7067 ♀ 5mm • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7066 ♀ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 19.iv.2004 16:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7065 ♀ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 17.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7064 ♂ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 17.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7063 ♂ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 17.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7062 ♀ 7mm • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 16.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) longipilis
specimen #7061 ♀ • Cuba, Holguin, env. du parc naturel Bahia de Naranjo • 16.iv.2004 11:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) mirim
Content: 1 lamiine
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37.5 (piste) • 24.viii.2005 10:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #9264 ♂ 65.5mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) mirim
specimen #9264 ♂ 65.5mm • Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37.5 (piste) • 24.viii.2005 10:00 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) nigroannulata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Guyane, Kaw • 15.xi.2004 • leg. Giuglaris, J.-L. [ specimen #9263 ♂ 10.5mm ]

Boxes of Desmiphorini from America in author's collection

DESMIPHORINIDesmiphora (Desmiphora) nigroannulata
specimen #9263 ♂ 10.5mm • Guyane, Kaw • 15.xi.2004 • leg. Giuglaris, J.-L.