Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Phrynetopsis of Central African region

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 4 series and 9 lamiines (6 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region

Tribe: Phrynetini
Content of box: 9 lamiines distributed in 4 series
Phrynetopsis fuscicornis
Phrynetopsis kolbei
Phrynetopsis thomensis principis
Phrynetopsis thomensis thomensis

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis fuscicornis
Content: 4 lamiines distributed in 3 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #3172 ♀ 25.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Menguémé [ specimen #12209 ♀ 20mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, PN des Monts de Cristal, Station de Kinguélé [ specimen #21345 ♀ 21mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Bioko [ specimen #12208 ♀ 24.5mm ]

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis fuscicornis
specimen #3172 ♀ 25.5mm collected on 16.05.1996
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis fuscicornis
specimen #12209 ♀ 20mm collected on v-1998
Locality on label: Cameroun, Menguémé

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis fuscicornis
specimen #21345 ♀ 21mm collected on 29.11.2019 01:30
Locality on label: Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, PN des Monts de Cristal, Station de Kinguélé

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis fuscicornis
specimen #12208 ♀ 24.5mm collected on xii-1986
Locality on label: Bioko

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis kolbei
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Reg. Batouri, Tikondi [ specimen #15656 ♀ 25mm ]

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis kolbei
specimen #15656 ♀ 25mm collected on xii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Reg. Batouri, Tikondi

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis thomensis principis
Content: 3 lamiines
• Principe [ specimen #12206 ♀ 28mm ]
• Principe, Terreiro Velho [ specimen #19814 ♀ 24mm ]
• Prince I. [ specimen #10277 ♀ 21.5mm ]

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis thomensis principis
specimen #12206 ♀ 28mm collected on ix-2003
Locality on label: Principe

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis thomensis principis
specimen #19814 ♀ 24mm collected on vi-2015
Locality on label: Principe, Terreiro Velho

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis thomensis principis
specimen #10277 ♀ 21.5mm collected on ii-1990
Locality on label: Prince I.

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis thomensis thomensis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Sao Tome, Macambara [ specimen #12205 ♀ 32mm ]

Box of Phrynetopsis from Central African region in author's collection

PhrynetiniPhrynetopsis thomensis thomensis
specimen #12205 ♀ 32mm collected on iii-2003
Locality on label: Sao Tome, Macambara