Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Gnoma agroides of Australasian region

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 3 lamiines (2 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Gnoma agroides from Australasian region

Content of box: 3 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Gnoma agroides

Box of Gnoma agroides from Australasian region in author's collection

LAMIINIGnoma agroides
Content: 3 lamiines
• Halmahera • [ specimen #14082 ♂ 28.5mm ]
• Halmahera • [ specimen #14083 ♀ 23mm ]
• Mandioli I., 6km NO Galala, 500m • 05.xii.1990 • leg. Merghel [ specimen #7961 ♂ 22mm ]

Box of Gnoma agroides from Australasian region in author's collection

LAMIINIGnoma agroides
specimen #14082 ♂ 28.5mm • Halmahera •

Box of Gnoma agroides from Australasian region in author's collection

LAMIINIGnoma agroides
specimen #14083 ♀ 23mm • Halmahera •

Box of Gnoma agroides from Australasian region in author's collection

LAMIINIGnoma agroides
specimen #7961 ♂ 22mm • Mandioli I., 6km NO Galala, 500m • 05.xii.1990 • leg. Merghel