Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Mesosini of Japan (Shikoku)

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 2 series and 3 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Mesosini from Japan (Shikoku)

Content of box: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 series
Mesosa (Aplocnemia) longipennis
Mesosa (Perimesosa) hirsuta hirsuta

Box of Mesosini from Japan (Shikoku) in author's collection

MESOSINIMesosa (Aplocnemia) longipennis
Content: 2 lamiines
• Japan, Shikoku, Ehime Pref., Matsuyama-C. • • leg. Kan, H. [ specimen #13889 ♂ 19.5mm ]
• Japan, Shikoku, Ehime Pref., Mt. Ohnogahara • 17.vii.1994 • leg. Kan, H. [ specimen #13888 ♂ 18mm ]

Box of Mesosini from Japan (Shikoku) in author's collection

MESOSINIMesosa (Aplocnemia) longipennis
specimen #13889 ♂ 19.5mm • Japan, Shikoku, Ehime Pref., Matsuyama-C. • • leg. Kan, H.

Box of Mesosini from Japan (Shikoku) in author's collection

MESOSINIMesosa (Aplocnemia) longipennis
specimen #13888 ♂ 18mm • Japan, Shikoku, Ehime Pref., Mt. Ohnogahara • 17.vii.1994 • leg. Kan, H.

Box of Mesosini from Japan (Shikoku) in author's collection

MESOSINIMesosa (Perimesosa) hirsuta hirsuta
Content: 1 lamiine
• Japan, Shikoku, Ehime Pref., Odamiyama • 25.vii.1965 • leg. Kan, H. [ specimen #13800 ♂ 14mm ]

Box of Mesosini from Japan (Shikoku) in author's collection

MESOSINIMesosa (Perimesosa) hirsuta hirsuta
specimen #13800 ♂ 14mm • Japan, Shikoku, Ehime Pref., Odamiyama • 25.vii.1965 • leg. Kan, H.