Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Sternotomis (Sternotomis)

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 38 series and 155 lamiines (14 illustrated)

Author's collection

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis)

Content of box: 76 lamiines distributed in 21 series
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) sp. #4014
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) amabilis
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani ignestii
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) caillaudi
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) carbonaria
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) fairmairei
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) itzingeri
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) lemoulti
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) mathildae
Sternotomis (Sternotomis) mirabilis

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) sp.
Content: 2 lamiines [ serie #4014 ]
• Cameroun, Ekoma [ specimen #16013 ♀ 21.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Ekoma [ specimen #16012 ♂ 18mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) sp. #4014
specimen #16013 ♀ 21.5mm • Cameroun, Ekoma

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) sp. #4014
specimen #16012 ♂ 18mm • Cameroun, Ekoma

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) amabilis
Content: 2 lamiines
• Côte d'Ivoire, Forêt du Banco • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #10320 ♀ 23mm ]
• Côte d'Ivoire, Forêt du Banco • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #10319 ♂ 24mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) amabilis
specimen #10320 ♀ 23mm • Côte d'Ivoire, Forêt du Banco • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) amabilis
specimen #10319 ♂ 24mm • Côte d'Ivoire, Forêt du Banco • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
Content: 3 lamiines
• Tanzania, Dar es Salaam [ specimen #16002 ♂ 29mm ]
• Tanzanie, Usambara mts [ specimen #3157 ♀ 24mm ]
• Tanzanie, Usambara mts [ specimen #3156 ♂ 23.5mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
specimen #16002 ♂ 29mm • Tanzania, Dar es Salaam

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
specimen #3157 ♀ 24mm • Tanzanie, Usambara mts

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
specimen #3156 ♂ 23.5mm • Tanzanie, Usambara mts

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
Content: 2 lamiines
• Tanzanie, Tanga Prov., Usambara Hills • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #12098 ♀ 24.5mm ]
• Tanzanie, Hluguru Mts. • leg. Werner, K. [ specimen #4695 ♂ 21.5mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
specimen #12098 ♀ 24.5mm • Tanzanie, Tanga Prov., Usambara Hills • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohemani
specimen #4695 ♂ 21.5mm • Tanzanie, Hluguru Mts. • leg. Werner, K.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
Content: 6 lamiines distributed in 3 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Centrafrique, Lobaye • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #12100 ♂ 24.5mm ]
• Ouganda, Fort Kibale [ specimen #508 ♀ 33.5mm ]
• Ouganda, Fort Kibale [ specimen #507 ♂ 28mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Centrafrique, Bangui [ specimen #4692 ♂ 28mm ]
• Centrafrique, Bangui [ specimen #4691 ♀ 33.5mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Ouganda, Kampala district • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #12099 ♀ 27mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
specimen #12100 ♂ 24.5mm • Centrafrique, Lobaye • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
specimen #508 ♀ 33.5mm • Ouganda, Fort Kibale

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
specimen #507 ♂ 28mm • Ouganda, Fort Kibale

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
specimen #4692 ♂ 28mm • Centrafrique, Bangui

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
specimen #4691 ♀ 33.5mm • Centrafrique, Bangui

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
specimen #12099 ♀ 27mm • Ouganda, Kampala district • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
Content: 2 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Congo-Kinshasha, Kivu district, 800m • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #12101 ♂ 27mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Congo-Kinshasha, Katanga district • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #12102 ♂ 18.5mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
specimen #12101 ♂ 27mm • Congo-Kinshasha, Kivu district, 800m • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani bohndorffii
specimen #12102 ♂ 18.5mm • Congo-Kinshasha, Katanga district • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani ignestii
Content: 4 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Ethiopie, Illubator [ specimen #4694 ♀ 25.5mm ]
• Ethiopie, Illubator [ specimen #4693 ♂ 28.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Ethiopie, Env. Gore Illubator [ specimen #15994 ♀ 27mm ]
• Ethiopie, Env. Gore Illubator [ specimen #15993 ♂ 24mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani ignestii
specimen #4694 ♀ 25.5mm • Ethiopie, Illubator

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani ignestii
specimen #4693 ♂ 28.5mm • Ethiopie, Illubator

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani ignestii
specimen #15994 ♀ 27mm • Ethiopie, Env. Gore Illubator

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) bohemani ignestii
specimen #15993 ♂ 24mm • Ethiopie, Env. Gore Illubator

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) caillaudi
Content: 3 lamiines
• Ethiopie, Konso Gamo Goffa • leg. Gennaro, C. [ specimen #7907 ♀ 27.5mm ]
• Ethiopie, Konso Gamo Goffa • leg. Gennaro, C. [ specimen #7908 ♂ 24mm ]
• Ethiopie, Bulile Harur [ specimen #7909 ♂ 20mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) caillaudi
specimen #7907 ♀ 27.5mm • Ethiopie, Konso Gamo Goffa • leg. Gennaro, C.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) caillaudi
specimen #7908 ♂ 24mm • Ethiopie, Konso Gamo Goffa • leg. Gennaro, C.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) caillaudi
specimen #7909 ♂ 20mm • Ethiopie, Bulile Harur

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Content: 8 lamiines distributed in 3 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Cameroun, Obout [ specimen #16003 ♂ 20.5mm ]
• Gabon, 49km N Bélinga [ specimen #10313 ♂ ]
• Gabon, 49km N Bélinga [ specimen #10312 ♀ ]
• Cameroun, Zilli [ specimen #2481 ♂ 18.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Ebogo (Centre Sud) [ specimen #1550 ♀ 21.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Ebogo (Centre Sud) [ specimen #1549 ♂ ]
Subserie #2:
• Cameroun, Ebogo (Centre Sud) [ specimen #10315 ♂ 20.5mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, PN des Monts de Cristal, Station de Kinguélé • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #21362 ♀ 19mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #16003 ♂ 20.5mm • Cameroun, Obout

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #10313 ♂ • Gabon, 49km N Bélinga

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #10312 ♀ • Gabon, 49km N Bélinga

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #2481 ♂ 18.5mm • Cameroun, Zilli

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #1550 ♀ 21.5mm • Cameroun, Ebogo (Centre Sud)

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #1549 ♂ • Cameroun, Ebogo (Centre Sud)

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #10315 ♂ 20.5mm • Cameroun, Ebogo (Centre Sud)

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #21362 ♀ 19mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, PN des Monts de Cristal, Station de Kinguélé • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Content: 3 lamiines
• Zaïre, Mayamba [ specimen #10321 ♀ ]
• Congo, Malélé, Kouilou [ specimen #4688 ♀ 19.5mm ]
• Congo, Malélé, Kouilou [ specimen #4687 ♂ 21.5mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #10321 ♀ • Zaïre, Mayamba

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #4688 ♀ 19.5mm • Congo, Malélé, Kouilou

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #4687 ♂ 21.5mm • Congo, Malélé, Kouilou

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Content: 4 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Cameroun, Mbalmayo, Mekak village [ specimen #16006 ♂ 19mm ]
• Cameroun, Mbalmayo, Mekak village [ specimen #16005 ♀ 21.5mm ]
• Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé [ specimen #10314 ♀ 22mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Zaïre, Mayamba [ specimen #10316 ♀ 23.5mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #16006 ♂ 19mm • Cameroun, Mbalmayo, Mekak village

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #16005 ♀ 21.5mm • Cameroun, Mbalmayo, Mekak village

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #10314 ♀ 22mm • Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #10316 ♀ 23.5mm • Zaïre, Mayamba

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Content: 2 lamiines
• Cameroun, Obout [ specimen #16004 ♀ 19mm ]
• Cameroun, Zilli [ specimen #2482 ♀ 18.5mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #16004 ♀ 19mm • Cameroun, Obout

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #2482 ♀ 18.5mm • Cameroun, Zilli

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
Content: 2 lamiines
• Cameroun, Ebogo [ specimen #13655 ♀ 20.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Ebogo [ specimen #13654 ♂ 20mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #13655 ♀ 20.5mm • Cameroun, Ebogo

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) callais
specimen #13654 ♂ 20mm • Cameroun, Ebogo

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) carbonaria
Content: 4 lamiines
• Bénin, Save [ specimen #523 ♂ 21.5mm ]
• Bénin, Save [ specimen #522 ♀ 19.5mm ]
• Rwanda, Butare, 1800m [ specimen #521 ♀ 21.5mm ]
• Rwanda, Butare, 1800m [ specimen #520 ♂ 18mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) carbonaria
specimen #523 ♂ 21.5mm • Bénin, Save

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) carbonaria
specimen #522 ♀ 19.5mm • Bénin, Save

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) carbonaria
specimen #521 ♀ 21.5mm • Rwanda, Butare, 1800m

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) carbonaria
specimen #520 ♂ 18mm • Rwanda, Butare, 1800m

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
Content: 3 lamiines
• Togo, Kunpali [ specimen #473 ♂ 23.5mm ]
• Togo, Kunpali [ specimen #472 ♀ 23mm ]
• Togo, Kunpali [ specimen #471 ♀ 25.5mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #473 ♂ 23.5mm • Togo, Kunpali

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #472 ♀ 23mm • Togo, Kunpali

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #471 ♀ 25.5mm • Togo, Kunpali

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
Content: 12 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Guinée équatoriale, Mts. de Cristal, 800m • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #10317 ♀ 25.5mm ]
• Centrafrique, Bangui-Bimbo, 300m • leg. Godart [ specimen #387 ♀ 21mm ]
• Centrafrique, Bacanda [ specimen #291 ♂ 20.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #19805 ♂ 25mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #19806 ♀ 22.5mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #21372 ♂ 22.5mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #21371 ♂ 25mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #21370 ♂ 25mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #21369 ♀ 25mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #19791 ♂ 23mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #19790 ♂ 24.5mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #19789 ♂ 25mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #10317 ♀ 25.5mm • Guinée équatoriale, Mts. de Cristal, 800m • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #387 ♀ 21mm • Centrafrique, Bangui-Bimbo, 300m • leg. Godart

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #291 ♂ 20.5mm • Centrafrique, Bacanda

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #19805 ♂ 25mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #19806 ♀ 22.5mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #21372 ♂ 22.5mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #21371 ♂ 25mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #21370 ♂ 25mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #21369 ♀ 25mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • à vue • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #19791 ♂ 23mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #19790 ♂ 24.5mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) chrysopras
specimen #19789 ♂ 25mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • à vue de jour • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) fairmairei
Content: 1 lamiine
• Ethiopie, Shoa, env. Addis Abeba [ specimen #15992 ♂ 24.5mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) fairmairei
specimen #15992 ♂ 24.5mm • Ethiopie, Shoa, env. Addis Abeba

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) itzingeri
Content: 1 lamiine
• R. D. Congo, Kivu district, 800m • leg. Bousquet, J.M. [ specimen #10318 ♀ 20mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) itzingeri
specimen #10318 ♀ 20mm • R. D. Congo, Kivu district, 800m • leg. Bousquet, J.M.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) lemoulti
Content: 6 lamiines
• Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S. [ specimen #3123 ♀ 25mm ]
• Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S. [ specimen #3122 ♀ ]
• Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S. [ specimen #3074 ♀ 27.5mm ]
• Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S. [ specimen #3073 ♂ 23.5mm ]
• Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S. [ specimen #3072 ♂ 22mm ]
• Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S. [ specimen #3071 ♀ ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) lemoulti
specimen #3123 ♀ 25mm • Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) lemoulti
specimen #3122 ♀ • Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) lemoulti
specimen #3074 ♀ 27.5mm • Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) lemoulti
specimen #3073 ♂ 23.5mm • Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) lemoulti
specimen #3072 ♂ 22mm • Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) lemoulti
specimen #3071 ♀ • Bénin, Attogon • leg. Robiche, S.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) mathildae
Content: 3 lamiines
• Cameroon, SW region, Nyasoso village [ specimen #21925 ♂ 20mm ]
• Cameroun, Rhampi Hills [ specimen #16072 ♀ 21mm ]
• Cameroun, Rhampi Hills [ specimen #16071 ♂ 19mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) mathildae
specimen #21925 ♂ 20mm • Cameroon, SW region, Nyasoso village

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) mathildae
specimen #16072 ♀ 21mm • Cameroun, Rhampi Hills

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) mathildae
specimen #16071 ♂ 19mm • Cameroun, Rhampi Hills

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) mirabilis
Content: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Cameroun, Obout [ specimen #15797 ♂ 20.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Route Edea-Douala, Piste km 20 • leg. Garnier, P. [ specimen #7910 ♀ 20mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Gabon, 49km N Bélinga [ specimen #10311 ♂ 20mm ]

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) mirabilis
specimen #15797 ♂ 20.5mm • Cameroun, Obout

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) mirabilis
specimen #7910 ♀ 20mm • Cameroun, Route Edea-Douala, Piste km 20 • leg. Garnier, P.

Boxes of Sternotomis (Sternotomis) in author's collection

STERNOTOMINISternotomis (Sternotomis) mirabilis
specimen #10311 ♂ 20mm • Gabon, 49km N Bélinga