Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Phytoecia boeberi of Transcaucasia

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 4 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Phytoecia boeberi from Transcaucasia

Tribe: Saperdini
Content of box: 4 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Phytoecia (Musaria) boeberi

Box of Phytoecia boeberi from Transcaucasia in author's collection

SaperdiniPhytoecia (Musaria) boeberi
Content: 4 lamiines distributed in 3 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Armenia, Kadzharan, 2000m, 39°10'N 46°07'E [ specimen #16247 ♂ 13mm ]
• Armenia, Sisian Pass [ specimen #16246 ♂ 14.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Azerbaijan, Talysh Mts., Astara distr., 8km SW Gomusham vil., 1700m [ specimen #16248 ♂ 12mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Azerbaijan, Talysh Mts., Astara distr., 8km SW Gomusham vil., 1700m [ specimen #16249 ♂ 13mm ]

Box of Phytoecia boeberi from Transcaucasia in author's collection

SaperdiniPhytoecia (Musaria) boeberi
specimen #16247 ♂ 13mm collected on 26.06.2003
Locality on label: Armenia, Kadzharan, 2000m, 39°10'N 46°07'E

Box of Phytoecia boeberi from Transcaucasia in author's collection

SaperdiniPhytoecia (Musaria) boeberi
specimen #16246 ♂ 14.5mm collected on 12.05.1996
Locality on label: Armenia, Sisian Pass

Box of Phytoecia boeberi from Transcaucasia in author's collection

SaperdiniPhytoecia (Musaria) boeberi
specimen #16248 ♂ 12mm collected on 28.06.2003
Locality on label: Azerbaijan, Talysh Mts., Astara distr., 8km SW Gomusham vil., 1700m

Box of Phytoecia boeberi from Transcaucasia in author's collection

SaperdiniPhytoecia (Musaria) boeberi
specimen #16249 ♂ 13mm collected on 28.06.2003
Locality on label: Azerbaijan, Talysh Mts., Astara distr., 8km SW Gomusham vil., 1700m