Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Eurymesosa of Indochinese region

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 1 lamiine (1 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Eurymesosa from Indochinese region

Content of box: 1 lamiine distributed in 1 serie
Eurymesosa ventralis

Box of Eurymesosa from Indochinese region in author's collection

MESOSINIEurymesosa ventralis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Thailand, Phrae, Wang Chin, near Wiang Kosai NP • 23.v.2019 23:00 • au piège lumineux • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #20703 ♂ 14mm ]

Box of Eurymesosa from Indochinese region in author's collection

MESOSINIEurymesosa ventralis
specimen #20703 ♂ 14mm • Thailand, Phrae, Wang Chin, near Wiang Kosai NP • 23.v.2019 23:00 • au piège lumineux • leg. Roguet, J.-P.