Leucographus albovarius of Madagascan region
Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 1 lamiine (1 illustrated)

Author's collection
Box of Leucographus albovarius from Madagascan region
Content of box: 1 lamiine distributed in 1 serie
• Leucographus albovarius
Box of Leucographus albovarius from Madagascan region in author's collection
CEROPLESINI CROSSOTINA • Leucographus albovarius
Content: 1 lamiine
• Madagascar, Tamatave, forêt d'Halahakato [ specimen #12745 ♂ 18mm ]
Box of Leucographus albovarius from Madagascan region in author's collection
CEROPLESINI CROSSOTINA • Leucographus albovarius
specimen #12745 ♂ 18mm • Madagascar, Tamatave, forêt d'Halahakato