Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Glenea insignis of Paleotropical region

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 3 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Glenea insignis from Paleotropical region

Tribe: Saperdini
Content of box: 3 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Glenea (Glenea) insignis

Box of Glenea insignis from Paleotropical region in author's collection

SaperdiniGlenea (Glenea) insignis
Content: 3 lamiines
• Rwanda, Prov. Cyangugu, Nyakabuye, Regenwald [ specimen #12132 ♂ 15.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #12345 ♀ 12mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #2425 ♀ 17.5mm ]

Box of Glenea insignis from Paleotropical region in author's collection

SaperdiniGlenea (Glenea) insignis
specimen #12132 ♂ 15.5mm collected on 23.01.1984
Locality on label: Rwanda, Prov. Cyangugu, Nyakabuye, Regenwald

Box of Glenea insignis from Paleotropical region in author's collection

SaperdiniGlenea (Glenea) insignis
specimen #12345 ♀ 12mm collected on xi-2001
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Box of Glenea insignis from Paleotropical region in author's collection

SaperdiniGlenea (Glenea) insignis
specimen #2425 ♀ 17.5mm collected on v-1994
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre