Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae


Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 7 series and 13 lamiines (4 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Freadelpha

Content of box: 13 lamiines distributed in 7 series
Freadelpha (Freadelpha) chloroleuca holoviridis
Freadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita eremita
Freadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita gabonensis
Freadelpha (Freadelpha) principalis
Freadelpha (Geloharpya) amoena
Freadelpha (Geloharpya) confluens confluens
Freadelpha (Geloharpya) polyspila

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) chloroleuca holoviridis
Content: 1 lamiine
• R. D. Congo, Shaba [ specimen #5876 ♀ 24mm ]

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) chloroleuca holoviridis
specimen #5876 ♀ 24mm • R. D. Congo, Shaba

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita eremita
Content: 2 lamiines
• Sénégambie, Sénégal, Niokolo Koba [ specimen #10306 ♂ 18.5mm ]
• Sénégambie, Sénégal, Niokolo Koba [ specimen #10305 ♂ 19mm ]

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita eremita
specimen #10306 ♂ 18.5mm • Sénégambie, Sénégal, Niokolo Koba

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita eremita
specimen #10305 ♂ 19mm • Sénégambie, Sénégal, Niokolo Koba

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita gabonensis
Content: 2 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • leg. Desfontaine [ specimen #3155 ♀ 15.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Zaïre, Katanga, Zilo [ specimen #1533 ♀ 17mm ]

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita gabonensis
specimen #3155 ♀ 15.5mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • leg. Desfontaine

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) eremita gabonensis
specimen #1533 ♀ 17mm • Zaïre, Katanga, Zilo

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) principalis
Content: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Zaïre, Lubumbashi [ specimen #7912 ♂ 27.5mm ]
• Zaïre, Shaba, Manomo [ specimen #7911 ♀ 29mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Cameroun, Ebolowa [ specimen #19813 ♀ 41.5mm ]

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) principalis
specimen #7912 ♂ 27.5mm • Zaïre, Lubumbashi

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) principalis
specimen #7911 ♀ 29mm • Zaïre, Shaba, Manomo

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Freadelpha) principalis
specimen #19813 ♀ 41.5mm • Cameroun, Ebolowa

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Geloharpya) amoena
Content: 2 lamiines
• Congo, Luvulu, Kouilou [ specimen #4700 ♂ 33.5mm ]
• Congo, Luvulu, Kouilou [ specimen #4701 ♀ 34mm ]

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Geloharpya) amoena
specimen #4700 ♂ 33.5mm • Congo, Luvulu, Kouilou

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Geloharpya) amoena
specimen #4701 ♀ 34mm • Congo, Luvulu, Kouilou

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Geloharpya) confluens confluens
Content: 2 lamiines
• R. D. Congo, Katanga, Kafakumba [ specimen #21329 ♂ 25mm ]
• Zambia, NW Prov., 50km N Kasempa • leg. Werner, K. & Smrz, P. [ specimen #15619 ♀ 24.5mm ]

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Geloharpya) confluens confluens
specimen #21329 ♂ 25mm • R. D. Congo, Katanga, Kafakumba

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Geloharpya) confluens confluens
specimen #15619 ♀ 24.5mm • Zambia, NW Prov., 50km N Kasempa • leg. Werner, K. & Smrz, P.

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Geloharpya) polyspila
Content: 1 lamiine
• R. D. Congo, Kasai, Ipamu [ specimen #21330 ♂ 27mm ]

Box of Freadelpha in author's collection

STERNOTOMINIFreadelpha (Geloharpya) polyspila
specimen #21330 ♂ 27mm • R. D. Congo, Kasai, Ipamu