Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Agapanthia (Stichodera)

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 2 series and 10 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera)

Content of box: 10 lamiines distributed in 2 series
Agapanthia (Stichodera) irrorata
Agapanthia (Stichodera) soror

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) irrorata
Content: 6 lamiines
• Algérie, Souk Ahras [ specimen #2237 ♂ ]
• Algérie, Souk Ahras [ specimen #2236 ♂ ]
• Algérie, Souk Ahras [ specimen #2235 ♀ ]
• Maroc, Oujda [ specimen #698 ]
• Espagne, Torremolinos • leg. Soler [ specimen #213 ♂ ]
• Espagne, Torremolinos • leg. Soler [ specimen #212 ]

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) irrorata
specimen #2237 ♂ • Algérie, Souk Ahras

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) irrorata
specimen #2236 ♂ • Algérie, Souk Ahras

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) irrorata
specimen #2235 ♀ • Algérie, Souk Ahras

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) irrorata
specimen #698 • Maroc, Oujda

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) irrorata
specimen #213 ♂ • Espagne, Torremolinos • leg. Soler

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) irrorata
specimen #212 • Espagne, Torremolinos • leg. Soler

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) soror
Content: 4 lamiines
• Tajikistan, Mts Pateri, 2500m, Ljangak, NW Pamir [ specimen #722 ♂ 17.5mm ]
• Tajikistan, Mts Pateri, 2500m, Ljangak, NW Pamir [ specimen #700 ♀ 20.5mm ]
• Tajikistan, Mts Pateri, 2500m, Ljangak, NW Pamir [ specimen #699 ♂ 20mm ]
• Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Aktash, 1500m • leg. Novotny [ specimen #210 ♀ 17mm ]

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) soror
specimen #722 ♂ 17.5mm • Tajikistan, Mts Pateri, 2500m, Ljangak, NW Pamir

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) soror
specimen #700 ♀ 20.5mm • Tajikistan, Mts Pateri, 2500m, Ljangak, NW Pamir

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) soror
specimen #699 ♂ 20mm • Tajikistan, Mts Pateri, 2500m, Ljangak, NW Pamir

Box of Agapanthia (Stichodera) in author's collection

AGAPANTHIINIAgapanthia (Stichodera) soror
specimen #210 ♀ 17mm • Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Aktash, 1500m • leg. Novotny