Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Graphisurus fasciatus

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 4 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Graphisurus fasciatus

Content of box: 4 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Graphisurus fasciatus

Box of Graphisurus fasciatus in author's collection

ACANTHOCININIGraphisurus fasciatus
Content: 4 lamiines
• USA, Illinois, Pope Co., 50 mi E Simpaon • 11.vii.2011 [ specimen #16062 ♀ 18mm ]
• USA, Illinois, Pope Co., 50 mi E Simpaon • 11.vii.2011 [ specimen #16061 ♂ 13.5mm ]
• Canada, Québec, Sainte-Foy • • leg. Bélanger, P. [ specimen #6869 ♂ 11mm ]
• USA, New York, Shirley Long Island • 21.vii.1989 [ specimen #263 ♀ 14mm ]

Box of Graphisurus fasciatus in author's collection

ACANTHOCININIGraphisurus fasciatus
specimen #16062 ♀ 18mm • USA, Illinois, Pope Co., 50 mi E Simpaon • 11.vii.2011

Box of Graphisurus fasciatus in author's collection

ACANTHOCININIGraphisurus fasciatus
specimen #16061 ♂ 13.5mm • USA, Illinois, Pope Co., 50 mi E Simpaon • 11.vii.2011

Box of Graphisurus fasciatus in author's collection

ACANTHOCININIGraphisurus fasciatus
specimen #6869 ♂ 11mm • Canada, Québec, Sainte-Foy • • leg. Bélanger, P.

Box of Graphisurus fasciatus in author's collection

ACANTHOCININIGraphisurus fasciatus
specimen #263 ♀ 14mm • USA, New York, Shirley Long Island • 21.vii.1989